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Registration Procedure for International Graduates at KKU Graduation Ceremony 2020

1. Register online and reserve a graduate’s gown at the website: and make the payment at Siam Commercial Bank from now until November 10, 2020. 
2. Any graduate who has not registered within the said date is not authorized to participate in the Graduation ceremony.
3. Potential graduates may check their eligibility as a 2020 graduate from the website  (select: Graduates).
4. Itinerary of the Graduation Commencement:


(1st Day Rehearsal)
December 10, 2020
8.30 a.m. – 4.30 p.m.– Bachelor graduates report and rehearsal at their faculty.
– Postgraduate graduates report and rehearsal at the Golden Jubilee Convention Center.
– COLA and MBA graduates:
Morning: report and rehearsal at their faculty.
Afternoon: rehearsal at the Golden Jubilee Convention Center.
(2nd Day Rehearsal)
December 11, 2020
08.30 – 11.30 a.m.


– Graduates who participate in the morning session on 13 December 2020 rehearsal at the Golden Jubilee Convention Center.
11.30 a.m. – 12.30 p.m.– Graduates for the morning session join the “Succession of the Mo Din Daeng Idealism” event.
1.30 – 2.30 p.m.– Graduates for the afternoon session join the “Succession of the Mo Din Daeng Idealism” event.
2.30 – 5.00 p.m.– Graduates who participate in the afternoon session on 13 December 2020  rehearsal at the Golden Jubilee Convention Center.
*Graduates who participate in the Graduation Commencement on 14 December 2020 take the group photo. The venue will be informed later.
(3rd Day Rehearsal)
December 12, 2020
8.30 – 11.30 a.m.– Graduates who participate in the Graduation Commencement on 14 December 2020 rehearsal at the Golden Jubilee Convention Center.
11.00 a.m. – 12.00 p.m.– Graduates join the “Succession of the Mo Din Daeng Idealism” event.
*Graduates who participate in the Graduation Commencement on 13 December 2020 take the group photo. The venue will be informed later.
December 13, 2020
(Graduation Commencement Day 1)
Morning – AfternoonProcession for the Graduation Commencement to start in front of the Golden Jubilee Convention Center on Sithan Road
December 14, 2020
(Graduation Commencement Day 2)
Morning session


5. Any graduate who fails to report and rehearse according to the schedule is not entitled to attend the Graduation Commencement.

6. Requisite attire on rehearsal days:

  • Male graduates: formal attire, no T-shirt, no jeans, with the shoes to be used on the degree conferral day.
  • Female graduates: formal dress (no tight T-shirt), formal skirt with proper length (not short), and shoes to be used on the degree conferral day.

**All graduates must wear a mask while participating in the Graduation Commencement. On the conferral day, KKU will provide masks for graduates. On the rehearsal days, graduates must prepare a mask for themselves.**

7. Graduates’ attire for the Graduation Commencement: Your respective gown (according to the KKU Announcement on graduates’ attire).
8. For more information concerning the Graduation Commencement, please visit or th or



The Graduate will have to dress accordingly to attend the graduation ceremony, following the Guide line showed below.




Written by: Natakon Naowarojna