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Khon Kaen University Phenome Centre hosts the 2nd Reinventing University for Phenomics Project 2023 with delegates from Murdoch University, Australia


KKU Phenome Centre together with Faculty of Medicine hosted the 2nd Reinventing University for Phenomics Project 2023 between May 1 and 5, 2023 with delegates from Murdoch University, Australia, including Professor Jeremy Nicholson, Pro-Vice Chancellor for Health Sciences, Director, Australian National Phenome Centre, Professor Elaine Holmes, Deputy Director, Australian National Phenome Centre, Professor Julien Wist, Deputy Director, Australian National Phenome Centre, and Dr. Sze How Bong, Senior Operations Manager, Australian National Phenome Centre.

The Murdoch University delegates had discussions on Phenomics collaboration with the KKU President, and in meetings with KKU project leads.

Professor Nicholson and his delegation met Assoc. Prof. Charnchai Panthongviriyakul, MD, President of Khon Kaen University and the KKU Administrative Board to discuss the construction of a new KKU Phenome Center and procurement and scoping issues for design and construction work. KKU delegates also presented a possible new collaborative project with Australian National Phenome Centre.

“We’re trying to sell an idea of the new study platform in many clinical problems, such as obesity, cancers, diabetes, and other metabolic diseases to find out research topics and questions. It’s the beginning of KKU assembling related human resources to join in this project. The reinventing project is very beneficial to this new way of study,” said KKU president.



In addition, Prof. Nicholson gave an invited presentation “From Genomics to Phenomics Medicine: The Next Paradigm to Drive Precision Medicine at the KKU-MD Hybrid Learning Centre. Over 100 KKU and non-KKU researchers and graduate students attended his presentation both on-site and on-line.



KKU president together with researchers and graduate students also participated in discussions between Murdoch University delegates and KKU exemplar project leads at KKU Northeastern Science Park. This meeting provided our researchers and students with a lot of knowledge for phenomics research implementation.




Reporting by Sathaphorn Onlamun

Editing by Prof. John F Smith