On February 2, 2023, Associate Professor Kamonwan Jenwitheesuk, MD, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs for the Faculty of Medicine, Khon Kaen University shared information on MD-KKU’S academic developments with Dr. Bounthom Samountry, the President of the University of Health Sciences. Lao PDR, and his colleagues.
The presentation was entitle “Journey and Transformation of Advanced Clinical Teaching of MD KKU”. This MD KKU transformation began in 2014 aiming at the universal standards of World Federation of Medical Education (WFME). Three learning centers were also recently established to mark the 50th anniversary of MD-KKU;
- Clinical Skill Laboratory as a learning center for medical students.
- Simulation Center is a learning center for postgraduate students to practice their skills with patients.
- Advance Skill Learning Center for cadaveric education
Colleagues of Dr. Bounthom Samountry, President, UHS included:
- Dr. Phouvang Sengmeaung, Dean, Faculty of Medicine
- Dr. Alongkone Phengsavanh, Vice Dean, Faculty of Medicine
- Dr. Sounantha Souvanhlasy, Dean, Faculty of Pharmacy
- Dr. Molina Choummanivong, Director, Office of Administrative Affairs
- Dr. Souksavanh Phanhpaseuth, Dean, Faculty of Nursing
- Dr. Sourideth Sengchanh, Head, Department of Pediatrics
- Dr. Chanpheng Pathana, Head, Department of International Relations
- Dr. Chitdavone Her, Lecturer, Faculty of Pharmacy
- Dr. KhamTim Samountry, Vice Dean of Faculty Public Health